All our translation rates are the same regardless of languages or subject. Invoicing is based on the number of characters in the final translation, unless otherwise specified. To guarantee high quality, our translations are language checked by a qualified native speaker of the target language. One instance of checking the text in the final layout is included at request.
Further services, such as language checking external texts or editing are invoiced by the hour.
For interpreting assignments, there is a daily fee per interpreter + per diems as well as travel and accommodation costs, unless otherwise specified.
Translated page of 1560 characters (26 rows with 60 characters excluding spaces) €56
Minimum fee €64
Daily fee/interpreter €800
Half-day fee/interpreter (less than 4 hours including travel) €590
In addition, agency fee for interpreter teams of more than 2 interpreters €400 and any incurred expenses for travel and accommodation etc.
Language checking customers' texts and other text-related services
Invoiced by the hour at €64/hour
Domestic prices are subject to VAT 25.5%